Citizen Web3

Episode Archive

Episode Archive

173 episodes of Citizen Web3 since the first episode, which aired on 6 April 2020.

  • Internet quality, mesh networks and the radio with Deborah Simpier

    4 November 2020  |  48 mins 1 sec
    althea, deborah simpier, mesh

    This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Deborah Simpier about networking technology, Althea and mesh networks

  • Staking, the cost of freedom and business with Chris Remus

    1 October 2020  |  48 mins 49 secs
    chainflow, staking, validating

    This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Chris Remus from Chainflow & Staking defense about validating and product management

  • Drones, smart contracts and secrets with Tor Bair

    14 September 2020  |  50 mins 55 secs
    privacy, secretnetwork, tor

    This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Tor Bair from Secret Network. The episode contains plenty of secrets, just make sure to pay attention.

  • DNA, funding and tattoo machines with Billy Rennekamp

    9 September 2020  |  59 mins 3 secs
    billyrennekamp, icf, tendermint

    This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Billy Rennekamp, the grants manager at Interchain Foundation and the founder of Clovers Network

  • Community, Dogecoin and privacy issues with Josh Lee

    20 August 2020  |  56 mins 56 secs
    dogemos, keplr, tendermint

    This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Josh Lee aka Dogemos. He is a community advocate at Tendermint and the co-founder of Keplr.

  • Management, power abuse and naming with Peng Zhong

    29 July 2020  |  55 mins 52 secs
    ceo, pengzong, tendermint

    This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Peng Zong to discuss the latest changes in the management of Tendermint and his personal views on various topics, such as, challenges of the CEO role

  • AI, the East and decentralization with Harriet Cao

    13 July 2020  |  43 mins 40 secs
    ai, harriet cao, irisnet

    This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Harriet Cao. Harriet is the co-founder of Iris Network, Bianjie AI, and a member of the newly formed board of directors at Tendermint inc.

  • Regeneration, blockchain and avocados with Gregory Landua

    26 June 2020  |  44 mins 10 secs
    avocado, regeneration, regennetwork

    This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Gregory Landua. Gregory is the chief regeneration officer at Regen network.

  • The now and then of Cosmos with Ethan Buchman

    16 June 2020  |  1 hr 9 mins
    ethanbuchman, product, tendermint

    This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Ethan Buchman, about the current design of the Cosmos ecosystem and plans for the future.

  • Social issues, DAOs and America with ChainSafe & Aragon One

    5 June 2020  |  55 mins 9 secs
    aragon, chainsafe, dao

    This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Jorge, CEO of Aragon One & with Aidan and Colin from ChainSafe.

  • Passion, sleepless nights and funding with Adriana Mihai

    28 May 2020  |  49 mins 43 secs
    adrina, tendermint, todayincosmos

    This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Adriana Mihai, community advocate at Tendermint. Adriana is the founder of the KalpaTech validator and the creator of Today in Cosmos.

  • Adoption, fish and staking with JK

    22 May 2020  |  43 mins 25 secs
    jk, stakefish, validating

    This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features JK from Stake Fish staking service provider. We discuss the recipe needed to become the biggest fish among Cosmos validators.