Internet quality, mesh networks and the radio with Deborah Simpier

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About this Episode

This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Deborah Simpier about networking technology, Althea blockchain, mesh networks and how these affect our daily lives. We also discuss controversial topics, such as, freedom and the cost and quality of an internet connection. Can internet access become a lifesaver? And, learn about, Deborah's personal ‘radio in the blood’ feeling.

Althea is built for a fast and affordable, locally run internet. Althea's unique cooperative vision for the internet brings peering from the data center to the field. Empowering communities to build multi-stakeholder networks faster and more affordably than legacy telecom models. The core technology behind Althea is a price-aware routing protocol and blockchain-based payment system that debits and credits funds based on a router’s bandwidth usage.

We spoke to Deborah Simpie about Althea Network and:
  • Networking technology
  • Althea blockchain
  • Mesh networks
  • How these affect our daily live
  • Freedom and the cost and quality of an internet connection
  • Can internet access become a lifesaver?
  • Deborah's personal ‘radio in the blood’ feeling

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