Episode Archive
173 episodes of Citizen Web3 since the first episode, which aired on 6 April 2020.
Data Privacy, web3 and risk managment with Lee Hyung Yeon
14 May 2020 | 33 mins 41 secs
bharvest, privacy, validating
This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Lee Hyung Yeon from Bharvest validator and staking services provider.
Money as a religion and validating with Sunny Aggarwal
7 May 2020 | 52 mins 49 secs
research, sikka, sunny
This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Sunny Aggarwal. Sunny is the chief of research at Tendermint, founder of the Sikka.tech validator and a very profound thinker.
Next generation socials networks and guitars with Kwun Yeung
30 April 2020 | 39 mins 45 secs
forbole, kwun, validating
This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Kwun Yeung. Kwun is the Founder of the Forbole validator, the creator of BigDipper explorer and the mastermind behind Desmos.
Bow ties and IBC with Jack Zampolin
23 April 2020 | 42 mins 24 secs
goz, ibc, zampolin
This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Jack Zampolin, the Indefatigable product leader behind GOZ and IBC
Governance and the Cosmos ecosystem with Gavin Birch
6 April 2020 | 43 mins 57 secs
figment network, gavin birch, governance
In this episode of the #citizenweb3, we talk to Gavin and discuss the governance behind the Cosmos Ecosystem