About the show
Citizen Web3 is an active member of the web3 galaxy. We are blockchain agnostic and decentralization maximalists. We provide noncustodial, off the grid infrastructure as a validator across the blockchain space. This allows us to work on various public goods, and contribute to the development of web3.
Our public good projects, include:
- Validator Infra: Non Custodial. Self-Hosted, Bare-Metal Validator Infrastructure. Off the Grid Capacity. Offering Endpoints, Archive, Snapshots and Relaying
- Citizen Web3 Podcast: Discovering Web3 Contributors to Blockchain Decentralization, Network Security and App Scalability
- ValidatorInfo.com: Web3 Blockchain Explorer. Validator, Mining Pool, Token and Network Real-time Metrics. Interactive Onchain Dashboard
- Web3 Society: Web3 Community Based on Values of Decentralization. Learning to Forget Tribalism and Love the Tech. Future DAO
- B.V.C.: Baremetal Valdiator Coven. Community of Selfhosted and Baremetal Blockcahin Network Operators
We believe in a decentralized web3 without tribalism. In better communication between various ecosystems. We dream of a web3 with infrastructure independent off the grid. A web3 without enforcement.
Citizen Web3 on social media
Intuition, product development and success with David Park
24 May 2021 | 41 mins 1 sec
cosmostation, david park, validating
This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features David Park, co-founder of Cosmostation, one of the biggest staking providers in the blockchain industry
Staking, the challenges of success and timing with Konstantin Lomashuk
30 April 2021 | 51 mins 31 secs
konstantin lomashuk, p2p, staking
This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Konstantin Lomashuk, the founder of P2P, a secure, non-custodial staking service for your cryptocurrency
Smart contracts, JavaScript and information sources with Dean Tribble
7 April 2021 | 50 mins 38 secs
agoric, dean tribble, smart contracts
This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Dean Tribble, the CEO at Agoric, a secure smart contract platform built with the help of Tendermint & Cosmos-SDK.
Analyzing crypto, web3 & coffee with Hashoshi
24 March 2021 | 37 mins 37 secs
hashoshi, interoperability, youtube
This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Hashoshi, a popular, crypto-focused, YouTube blogger
Software development, databases and cycling with Tess Rinearson
17 March 2021 | 48 mins 36 secs
consensus, tendermint, tess rinearson
This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Tess Rinearson, the VPE at Interchain GMBH aka Tendermint core.
Memes, Wall Street and community marketing with Chjango Unchained
9 March 2021 | 46 mins 54 secs
chjango, ecosystem, tendermint
This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Chjango Unchained, a free speech advocate, host of the interchain.fm podcast and an ex VP of ecosystem development at Tendermint.
Team building, VC and business during school with Reda Berrehili
23 February 2021 | 41 mins 33 secs
investing, ki founddation, reda berrehili
This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Reda Berrehili, CEO and founder of Ki Foundation, which are deploying a new currency and building a fund with the help of Cosmos-SDK blockchain technology and Tendermint.
The cloud, open source and flash loans with Greg Osuri
8 February 2021 | 49 mins 19 secs
decloud, greg osuri, ux
This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Greg Osuri, the CEO of Akash Network. Building the Future of the Cloud with the help Cosmos-SDK blockchain and Tendermint.
VPN, Costa Rica and the sound of blockchain with Dan Edlebeck
25 January 2021 | 43 mins 27 secs
dan edlebeck, dvpn, privacy
This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Dan Edlebeck, Co-Founder and CEO at Exidio. Building a decentralized VPN solution as part of the Sentinel ecosystem, build with Cosmos-SDK blockchain and Tendermint.
Explorers, privacy and nodes with Ian and Jacob
14 January 2021 | 50 mins 45 secs
ian and jacob, privacy, secret nodes
Our podcast guests are Ian and Jacob, the founders of secret nodes and the puzzle report explorer for Secret network, a Cosmos-SDK blockchain with privacy-preserving smart contracts.
Denizen Cosmos: Xmas special 2020
24 December 2020 | 52 mins 46 secs
community, denizen, xmas
In this spinoff episode of #citizenweb3. We catch up with active community members from the Cosmos ecosystem
Institutional DeFi, borrowing and stable coins with Tushar Aggarwal
19 December 2020 | 43 mins 45 secs
defi, persistence, tushar aggarwal
This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Tushar Aggarwal, the CEO of the Indian-based, Cosmos-SDK blockchain protocol for Institutional DeFi, Persistence.