Financial Revolution, AI and Vanity Metrics with David Rakusan

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About this Episode

This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features David Rakusan from Rockaway

David Rakusan is focused on revolutionizing finance by making it more inclusive and accessible, while recognizing the role of venture capitalists in supporting startups. He also highlights rapid AI advancements and challenges like the fragmentation of the Ethereum ecosystem.

RockawayX is a venture capital firm supporting top Web3 funds and founders, with a focus on long-term value through engineering, liquidity, and community support. Based in Dubai, London, and Prague.

We spoke to David Rakusan about Rockaway and:
  • Innovate the financial world
  • Revolutionize finance
  • Opening the financial world to everyone
  • VCs are not necessarily bad for the industry
  • We're partnering with the startups
  • We are the eyes and ears for the founders
  • New competitor emerging
  • The fragmenting of Ethereum ecosystem
  • Not necessarily comparing apples to apples
  • There has been incredibly fast progress in the AI space
  • We are changing the world here


00:00 – 04:42 : Intro
04:42 -- 09:09 : What made you stay?
09:09 -- 15:05 : Keeping balanced
15:05 -- 19:18 : Advice for being a researcher or investor.
19:18 -- 25:22 : View of the market.
25:22 -- 36:00 : L2s and L1s sharing
36:00 -- 46:01 : Vanity metrics
46:01 -- 49:47 : When AI is better than humans
49:47 -- 52:09 : Damage to the industry from celebrities
52:09 -- 55:03 : Getting noticed
55:03 – 57:25 : The Blitz

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