Avoiding Burnout, Forest Bathing and Discovering values with Prof. Dr. Alexandra Mikityuk

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About this Episode

This episode of the #citizenweb3 podcast features Prof. Dr. Alexandra Mikityuk from Staex

Prof. Dr. Alexandra Mikityuk advocates for aligning work with personal values and staying connected to nature, emphasizing that success comes from mindfulness and gradual, thoughtful approaches to innovation. She also highlights the importance of preventing burnout and cautions against over-engineering in technology.

The Staex vision is to create a secure, sustainable, and technologically simple future, revolutionizing IoT management by moving beyond traditional cloud solutions. Aiming to empower businesses and individuals with innovative, user-friendly technology that prioritizes security and long-term sustainability in the digital ecosystem.

We spoke to Prof. Dr. Alexandra Mikityuk about Staex and:
  • 95 % of the success just being somewhere
  • Make your hobby to your job and you never have to work
  • The one that loves the path will get further
  • Discovering within your values, are your goals
  • Mindful connected to surroundings
  • Advise against burnout
  • The root problem is not being connected to your values
  • Forest bathing
  • The forces of nature, the sea, the water, the wind
  • We are the kids of nature
  • Burning resources with clouds
  • Integrating crypto into the real world, maybe another 20 years
  • You can never build a secure system if it's over engineered
  • Approach people slow


00:00 – 08:25 : Intro
08:25 -- 14:50 : What is fulfilling

14:50 -- 20:58 : Advise against burnout
20:58 -- 26:05 : Bridging the world's
26:05 -- 29:41 : Driving values
29:41 -- 39:36 : Staex
39:36 -- 46:05 : Bridging the energy
46:20 -- 53:37 : Advice on building
53:37 – 58:02 : The Blitz

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