Citizen Web3

Discovering Web3 Contributors to Blockchain Decentralization. Non-Custodial, Self-Hosted, Bare-Metal Validator.

About the show

Citizen Web3 is an active member of the web3 galaxy. We are blockchain agnostic and decentralization maximalists. We provide noncustodial, off the grid infrastructure as a validator across the blockchain space. This allows us to work on various public goods, and contribute to the development of web3.

Our public good projects, include:

  • Validator Infra: Non Custodial. Self-Hosted, Bare-Metal Validator Infrastructure. Off the Grid Capacity. Offering Endpoints, Archive, Snapshots and Relaying
  • Citizen Web3 Podcast: Discovering Web3 Contributors to Blockchain Decentralization, Network Security and App Scalability
  • Web3 Blockchain Explorer. Validator, Mining Pool, Token and Network Real-time Metrics. Interactive Onchain Dashboard
  • Web3 Society: Web3 Community Based on Values of Decentralization. Learning to Forget Tribalism and Love the Tech. Future DAO
  • B.V.C.: Baremetal Valdiator Coven. Community of Selfhosted and Baremetal Blockcahin Network Operators

We believe in a decentralized web3 without tribalism. In better communication between various ecosystems. We dream of a web3 with infrastructure independent off the grid. A web3 without enforcement.

Citizen Web3 on social media
